Helpful Links

Below you can find some links to websites you and your child may find helpful! Tons more resources can be found at Hilltopper University


It is essential that students master their basic facts so they become automatic in an effort to help them with problem solving and higher order math thinking. This means they know the answer quickly without needing manipulatives or fingers. Addition and subtraction are stressed in 2nd and 3rd grade. Multiplication and division begins in the second half of 3rd grade and is continued in 4th and 5th grade.

These sites provide an extensive collection of free resources, games, and hands-on math activities:

Language Arts

It is imperative for you to read to and with your child at home on a daily basis. Please take the time to enjoy the book with your child by discussing it as you are reading. Book discussions can include story elements (character, setting, problem, solution), connections you have to your own life or another book, and what you are thinking as you are reading (we call this “thinking aloud”).

Check out these sites for online literacy learning and interactive language arts tools.